Our goal
The purpose of Nereis Park is to regroup and favor the contacts between all the scientists studying the bioturbation processes induced by the King Nereis and other animal or vegetal organisms in sediments and soils.
Our actions
We do like some ventilators: long resting periods but also very active ones like the Nereis Park Conferences. Our last conference took place in August 2022 at Logonna-Daoulas (France). The next one is now planned in Quebec City-Rimouski (Canada) for 2026.
We have carried out a first collaborative experiment involving 18 laboratories and that aimed to acquire a regional scale perspective of sediment reworking activity by Nereididae, especially Hediste diversicolor. The Open Access paper presenting this work is available here.
We have produced an educative poster presenting the bioturbation process and functional groups than can be used for both the scientistic and general audiences. The poster is available for free download in so far 15 languages.
We organise online Nereis Park seminars that can be reviewed on our Youtube channel.
Few important early dates
2000: Nereis Park web page launched.
2001: Statement of the "Original 41" members.
2002: some of us met at the Benthic Dynamics Conference at Aberdeen.
2002: Nereis Park registered as non profit making association and a web domain activated.
2004: Start of the Nereis Park Conference series.
2007: the First Nereis Park Experiment. A tribute to Gaston Desrosiers.
2023: the Nereis Park online seminar series launched.
Do not hesitate to join us: contact [at] nereispark.org