Before downlading our bioturbation poster, you must read and agree the below statements.
The Nereis Park bioturbation poster MAY ONLY be used in personal, educational, non-for-profit papers and presentations on a single use basis, e.g., to illustrate schools reports, university student papers, posters and/or presentations. It MAY NOT be used in any commercial purpose.
The bioturbation cartoon MAY NOT be reproduced in any way, in whole or in part, without express authorization of the copyright holder (i.e. the Nereis Park).
By contributing images to this poster, the owners of those images have agreed to their use on ONLY the Nereis Park bioturbation poster. Contributors retain the copyright of their images. On the poster, the person or organization that supplied each image is indicated. If individual images are required for other purposes than the Nereis Park bioturbation poster, the image provider MUST be contacted for permission DIRECTLY and the form of acknowledgement obtained from the owner.
Please direct any questions regarding use of the Nereis Park bioturbation poster to contact [at]
A special thank is due to the young graphist, Iona Lugari who produced the bioturbation cartoon. Last but not least, the Nereis Park would like to thanks the photographers, scientists and organizations for providing images and translations for the Nereis Park bioturbation poster.