Nereis Park Seminar Series

At the 2022 Nereis Park conference in Lagonne-Daoulas, several members discussed the possibility of having more frequent interactions, and we are excited to introduce the new Nereis Park Seminar Series!

Our seminars will be hosted every other month (skipping summer) on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 11am-12pm ET/5-6pm in France and will be held on the following dates in 2024:

  • January 9: skipped
  • March 12: Cy Clemo
  • May 14: Lidya Tarhan
  • September 10: Nicole Yuxi You
  • November 14: Sara Benelli

You can register and get the Zoom link to attend the seminar by clicking on the calendar. The first seminar will be given by Diana Chin.

Part of our interest in starting this seminar series is that the infrequent timing of the meetings makes it hard for graduate students and postdocs to share new findings when they have them and when it would be most helpful to get feedback from the community. We therefore envision a mix of full-length seminars (45 minute talk, 15 minute discussion) and double-hitters, where we have two shorter talks in a row (20-25 minute talk, 5-10 minute discussion for each).

If you are interested in giving a short or long seminar to the group, please email us at contact [at] with a proposed title, short summary of what you would like to present (~100 words), your career stage, and whether you would like a 30 or 60 minute time slot (also if you would be willing to do a shorter or longer talk). We are especially interested in proposals from early-career scientists. Based on these proposals, the organizers will invite speakers.

We have set the time to accommodate as many people as possible, but are planning to record the talks and post them in an invitation-only format for one week following the presentation. We would like as many people as possible to see the talks, but also want to feel comfortable presenting preliminary findings. We encourage everyone to participate during the scheduled time so we have good discussions. Speakers will have the option to opt out of recording.

We hope you will all participate and welcome any feedback you may have.